HVTC Closed 2/2/22

HVTC will be closed Wednesday, February 2 due to the expected heavy snow and poor road conditions.  All activities are cancelled, except Junior Excellence Session 4 registration.  Phone registration only (no in-person on Wed.) We will re-open on Thursday morning.

HVTC Management 

Junior Excellence Session 3 Policy Update

Players who were on the waiting lists for Session 3 classes are being notified by phone of their status. Class sizes are driven by staffing, court space and safety, so we appreciate your patience and understanding with this process.

Fully vaccinated players are welcome to play without a mask. All others must be masked on court.

All players and visitors are required to wear a mask in the lobby, locker-rooms, and pro shop. Parents are encouraged to drop off their students. If you stay to watch, please limit this to one spectator per family.

Students with any symptoms of COVID19, or a known exposure should not attend their class. Phone notification prior to the class is appreciated and will result in the class being prorated. Students who are absent without prior notification are encouraged to make-up the class on the ball machine.

Withdrawals from a class must be communicated to the control desk. Students registered for, but not attending a class will be billed. Payments for Session 3 should be delayed until March. The possibility of an unanticipated and un-charged absence makes waiting until the end of the session preferable to paying at the beginning of the session.

Players will be asked to take the precautions of social distancing and masking. Consider speaking with your child regarding the importance of maintaining his/her own safety.

Covid 19 Policy Update

In response to escalating COVID-19 cases and the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant, we are implementing the following policies effective January 10, 2022:

All players and visitors must be masked while in the lobby, locker-rooms, pro shop and restrooms. Vaccinated players and Pros may remove their masks once on court. Unvaccinated players must remain masked. The control desk will have masks for those who forget theirs.

Please limit spectators to one per player. Our goal is to limit lobby population, so those able to drop off their kids should do so.

Post-match get-togethers are limited to 8 players and must be held in the restaurant. See masking policy.

We appreciate your cooperation in implementing these safety measures intended to protect you, your family and our staff. Stay tuned here and on our Facebook page for updates.

Thank you!
HVTC Management