Weight Room and Showers Now Open

We are pleased to announce the re-opening of two more areas of our club!

Weight room – We have re-opened our two weight/exercise areas*. The maximum capacity for each of these areas is one person. Those working out must wear a mask at all times. Please use the wipes provided to clean off equipment before and after exercising.

*The two exercise areas are on the landing at the top of the stairs and in the weight room adjacent to the Men’s Locker Room.

Showers – Both Men’s and Women’s showers are now available for use. Please bring your own towels. We are not offering our complimentary towels at this time.

We hope to continue to add services and conveniences in the near future. Thanks for your patience!

2021 Summer Memberships

Memorial Day (May 31) through Labor Day (Sept 6)

Adult Single $150 – Family $250 – Junior $100

Summer members are entitled to:

  • Reserve indoor courts at $19/hr. Maximum 6 days in advance.
  • Reserve outdoor courts at no charge. Maximum 3 days in advance.
  • Pay discounted rates for camps.
  • Full access to HVTC facilities.

House Rules 5/15/21


All members, guests, and staff must continue to wear masks and maintain social distancing in the lobby, locker rooms, and offices. People who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 may remove their masks on the courts. People who are not fully vaccinated and all children under 12 must wear a mask while playing.

Guests and non-members must check in at the front desk to register before playing or spectating. The desk staff must have your name and email or phone number. Avoid congregating around the front desk.

Bring your own towel and water. Showers, sauna, exercise equipment, and restaurant remain closed. You may refill your personal water bottle at the no-touch water filtration system.

Unvaccinated individuals should plan to arrive immediately before play and leave the building
immediately following play.

All players should refrain from pre- or post-match handshakes, hugs, fist bumps, high fives, or
contact celebrations.

Whenever possible, use your club account, a check or a credit card when paying to avoid
handling cash.

Stay home if you or your junior are not feeling well.

Thank you for your cooperation.