Junior Excellence – Session 2

October 26 – December 20

Sign up begins Wednesday, October 7 th Call or come in to register. No emails.

Tournament Preparation – Monday 4:30-6:00 PM
Tournament Preparation – Friday 5:30-7:00 PM

Competitive Training – Thursday 4:30-6:00 PM
Competitive Training – Sunday 4:00-5:30 PM

Tournament Excellence I – Tuesday 5:30-7:00 PM
Tournament Excellence I- Sunday 4:00-5:30 PM

High School Players – Tuesday 4:00-5:30 PM
High School Players – Friday 4:00-5:00 PM
High School Players – Sunday 2:30-4:00 PM

Tournament Excellence- Wednesday 4:00-5:30 PM
Tournament Excellence- Sunday 1:00-2:30 PM

7 week session : $240 1day/week
2 days/week : $465
No classes November 23-29

HVTC members only. Players must have instructor approval or previously played in the group.

Declare absences at the start of the session to have fees prorated.
Players on waiting lists will be added as space permits.

Welcome back!

Since the onset of Covid-19 procedures have changed, and in some cases our approach is directly opposite to what was encouraged prior to Covid 19. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in implementing the following policies:

Parents are encouraged to drop off and pick up their students without entering the lobby. Traditionally, arriving for our junior programs is an opportunity for parents to pay bills, socialize, ask questions and watch the kids play. This influx of parents, combined with the arrival of the kids to play in the groups, creates traffic that we need to reduce.

Group sizes have been limited to no more than 4 on a court (often less). This strict limit prevents players from doing make ups in other classes for the time being. This limit on players will create a waiting list for many groups. Please provide accurate and prompt absence information to allow us to insert those on waiting lists into unused spots. Those declaring absences at the start of the session will have their fees prorated.

We are not offering Young Players class, or our Junior Clinics at this time. We will re-examine the viability of these groups in December.

Demonstration (Demo) rackets are not available at this time. Please bring your own racket and a back up!

Please do not send your child if you have any concerns about Covid 19 exposure or he/she displays any Covid 19 symptoms. Thank you!

Masks must be worn by anyone entering the HVTC lobby. No exceptions! We have disposable masks for those who have forgotten theirs.

We are committed to spacing players, encouraging sanitation breaks and minimizing player and pro contact. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please call us.

Fall Programs

All Fall Program Participants

We have decided to use our indoor building as backup for inclement weather.  This ensures that all scheduled programs will be held with no cancellations.  All classes/practices are scheduled outdoors and will run outdoors, unless the weather forces the group inside. 

The ability to socially distance players and ventilate the building were key factors in making this decision.    We feel that by maintaining modest class sizes and leaving the large garage doors open, we can safely run the programs indoors.  

Some may be reluctant to participate in an indoor group activity, so those players may opt out of playing on that day. There will be no charge for players electing not to play.  Please let us know if you choose to opt out. 

Thank you