Summer USTA Registrations Underway

It’s time to sign up for adult USTA summer teams. Team captains will be contacting new and returning players with the team number. If you’re looking for a team to play on, call the club and leave a message for Anne Snell that includes your name, phone number, email address, and USTA rating.

HVTC has numerous teams this summer. There are divisions for men, women, and mixed doubles in multiple age brackets. We have just the right level for you, but contact us soon because teams fill up quickly. League play starts in mid-May and continues through July.

Junior Excellence

All Junior Excellence participants needing to make up absences from Session III should consider the makeup night on Friday, March 16, 7–8:30pm. Players will be divided into groups based on age and skill for optimum instruction. There’s no charge for those using this event as a makeup. Please register at the front desk. Other options for making up an absence are attending a meeting of the same level group on a different day, using the ball machine for one hour, or playing during parent-child time for $10 per hour.

The next session of Junior Excellence starts March 19. If you anticipate absences from the Junior Excellence classes, fees may be prorated if you ask at the desk for a blue Request to Prorate form and submit it during the first week of the session. Simply telling the desk personnel or the pros that a student will not attend will not trigger prorated fees.

March and April

  • Sunday, March 11 – Daylight saving time begins; set clocks ahead 1 hour
  • Friday, March 16 – Junior Excellence makeup day, 7-8:30pm; please sign up at the desk
  • Friday, March 16 – Midnight Madness! 9:30pm-midnight: high school girls’ invitational tournament
  • Saturday, March 17 – Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
  • Monday, March 19 – Junior Excellence session IV starts; please sign up at the desk
  • Sunday, April 1 – Happy Easter: club hours 8am–2pm; no clinics, Junior Excellence, or leagues, but seasonal court time is scheduled
  • Friday, April 6 – Girls’ 14U (novice) round robin tournament, 7-9pm
  • Friday, April 20 – 10U green-dot tournament, 7–9pm

2017 Doubles Club Championship

More Club Championship results!

Champion Finalist
Coed 12U Novice Arjun Joshi & Dorian Pettengill Akshar Desai & Pierce Pettengil
G14U Novice Margaret Chen & Rumei Zha  Kathryn Hemmila & Sarah Stansfileld
G14U Advanced Alicia Qin & Ayla Soofi  (round robin format)
B12U Advanced Gaman Keshav & Ned Curley Victor Xu & Kevin Joo
B14U Novice Victor Xu & Aarnav Unadkat Gaman Keshav & Ned Curley
B14U Advanced Stanley Rhodes & Sam Berkooz Rishab Jayaraman & Eric Heng

2017 Singles Junior Club Championship

During the holiday season, HVTC held its annual Junior Doubles Club Championship in November, the Junior Singles Club Championships in December, and several Friday two-hour tournaments. We applaud everyone who participated!

Champion Finalist
 10U Coed Green Dot Gaman Keshav Harish Narayan
 Girls’ 12U Novice  Aoife Tang  Neha Gundala
 Girls’ 12U Advanced  Annamaria Raftu  (round robin format)
 Girls’ 14U Novice  Praveena Mohanraj  Rebecca Young
 Girls’ 14U Advanced  Annamaria Raftu  Neha Narayan
 Boys’ 12U Novice  Sathvik Nath  Brayden Erwin
 Boys’ 12U Advanced  Nicholas Pauken  Hassan Hejazi
 Boys’ 14U Novice  Agosto D’Andrea  Hassan Hejazi
 Boys’ 14U Advanced  Benjamin Zhang  Aarnav Unadkat
 Boys’ 18U Advanced  Stanley Rhodes  Eric Liu