Practice Over The Break

Winter break is a great time to set up some practice matches for your junior players. Practice matches can be scheduled in non-prime time for the practice match rate of $22/hour. If you don’t have a partner or need some suggestions, Don Campbell is our practice match expert. Talk with Don or leave him a message and he will assist you in setting up some matches. Pros may have more lesson times and courts available over the break for private lessons. Speak with your favorite coach to schedule a time.

Annual Junior Awards Banquet – Today!

During a potluck supper on Wednesday, December 14, Clare North, Mike Ware, and the Huron Valley professional staff honor the junior players (8th grade and below) who have distinguished themselves during the year. The annual Junior Awards Banquet includes free tennis 5–6pm and dinner at 6. Junior members 8th grade and below and their parents are invited. Call the front desk to RSVP with number of family members and to put your potluck dish on the list. Please, no Jello or pies.

Junior Excellence Session III

The Junior Excellence makeup day will be Monday, December 12, 4:30-6pm. Please register to make up any Session I or II absence. Session III begins Monday, January 9 – please sign up immediately. Those in previous sessions are not automatically registered for future sessions. Session III is a 10-week session. HVTC holds practice over midwinter school vacations; if you are planning to miss two or more classes, pick up a Request to Prorate sheet at the front desk. Forms are due during the first week of class. Two absences must be declared to prorate the session. Desk staff is available to answer any questions.

Mixed Doubles in January

Throw off those winter blankets and join us for mixed doubles on Friday, January 13. We play 7–9pm and then have a great time talking tennis and the weather. Please bring a snack to share and a beverage. The cost is $18 per player; sign up at the desk. Teams and individual players are welcome.