Pro Shop Holiday Sale!

The pro shop’s holiday discount box has arrived. In the box there are cards for savings of 10, 20, or 30 percent. The rules are simple: Bring your purchase to the front desk and then draw a discount card. Discount also applies to sale merchandise. Special orders, stringing, balls, Prince T22 shoes, and racquets are excluded. Sale continues through December 31. Check our Facebook page each week of December for additional holiday sales!

December and January at HVTC

  • Sunday, December 11  – Last day of Junior Excellence session II and junior and adult clinics
  • Monday, December 12 – Junior Excellence makeup day, 4:30–6pm
  • Wednesday, December 14 – Junior Awards Banquet (5pm tennis, 6pm potluck) and tournament entry deadline.
  • Thursday, December 15 – Last meeting of men’s leagues until January 8
  • Friday, December 16 – Junior Singles Club Championships begin
  • Monday December 19–Sunday January 1 – No Clinic Practice Day, Super Excellence, or Men’s and Women’s Night; guest fees waived.
  • Wednesday December 21–Tuesday December 27 – Sweet Spot Café is closed.
  • Saturday, December 24 – Open 8am–2pm; court fee $26/hour (no SCT)
  • Sunday, December 25 – Merry Christmas! Club is closed.
  • Saturday, December 31 – Open 8am–5pm; court fee $26/hour (no SCT)
  • Sunday, January 1 – Open 9am–2pm; court fee $26/hour (no SCT)
  • Friday, January 6 – B14 and under tournament (novice), 7–9pm
  • Monday, January 9 – First day of Junior Excellence session III and adult clinics session 4
  • Friday, January 13 – First day of junior clinics session 4
  • Friday, January 13 – Mixed Doubles Night, 7–9pm
  • Friday, January 27 – Junior Pizza Party, 7–9pm
  • Friday, February 3  – Boys’ 10U tournament (green dot), 7–9pm

Medal Program Rewards Juniors

The club awards bronze, silver, and gold medals to juniors (through 8th grade) based on accumulated points. Tournament play is 3 points, interclub matches are 2 points, and practice matches are 1 point. Players are encouraged to keep track of their tennis throughout the year. A scoring sheet is available at the front desk and by the pro offce.

Players whose yearly total is 20–35 points earn a bronze, those with 36–49 points get silver, and those who have 50+ points earn the gold. Point totals need to be handed in at the desk by December 12.

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week is a good time to set up a private lesson. With no groups meeting, there are extra courts available. Contact your favorite coach now to set one up. Pros have lesson times available, and parent-child court time is an option during the week before 4:30pm. Practice matches are also possible; ask the desk staff for more information on any of these opportunities. The club will be open 9am–1pm on Thanksgiving, and courts are offered at a special rate of $26 per hour. Come and enjoy a rigorous morning of tennis prior to settling in for your turkey dinner.