The next session of Junior Excellence starts October 24. If you anticipate absences from the Junior Excellence classes, fees may be prorated if you ask at the desk for a blue Request to Prorate form and submit it during the first week of the session. Simply telling the desk personnel or the pros that a student will not attend will not trigger prorated fees. For those absences that were not declared and prorated, we have Junior Excellence makeup days (no additional charge) scheduled for 4:30–6pm Monday, November 21, and Monday, December 12.
Author Archives: HVTC Admin
Halloween Pizza Party!
Are you ready for spooktacular tennis? Martin “Count Dracula” Topliss hosts this annual extravaganza for juniors, featuring music, prizes, tennis games, and pizza (watch out for a spider on your pizza). Prizes are awarded for the best costumes, so dig in the attic for creative outfits and come join us for a night of surprises on Friday, October 28, 7–9pm. The cost is $18 per junior player. Please sign up at the desk.
Annual Appreciation Dinner for Team Captains
HVTC celebrates the hard work of all its captains with a dinner on Wednesday, October 19. If you are a team captain and haven’t reserved your place at the table, call the club before Monday, October 17. Our cook, Ronda, will once again be providing a fantastic meal.
Interclub Junior USTA
Teams for USTA interclub Junior Team Tennis are forming now. Matches start in mid-October. HVTC has five coed teams: 12U beginner, 12U intermediate, 14U intermediate, 14U advanced, and 18U intermediate. Contact the pro staff if your junior player is interested in joining a team.
Happening in October
- Friday, October 7 – B12 and under tournament (novice), 7–9pm
- Friday, October 14 – Junior tennis informational meeting, 7–8pm
- Wednesday, October 19 – Captains’ Appreciation Dinner, 6pm
- Monday, October 24 – First day of Junior Excellence session II
- Friday, October 28 – Junior Pizza Party, Halloween edition, 7–9pm
- Friday, October 31 – Happy Halloween!
- Friday, November 4 – G14 and under tournament (novice), 7–9pm