Two-Hour Junior Tournaments

HVTC pro Don Campbell has scheduled age-specifc two-hour tournaments on Friday nights throughout the year. The frst takes place September 23, and it’s for advanced boys 12 and under. The next will be on September 30, and it features boys 12 and under in the novice category. Contact the front desk for more information. Please sign up early.

Men’s Intraclub Leagues Begin

The intraclub leagues start September 11 with the men’s Sunday night doubles at 7pm. The Tuesday men’s doubles league starts September 13 at 8:30pm. The Thursday men’s singles league starts September 15 at 9 pm. Substitute players are needed each week for members who are absent. Call the club the day of each league. Your name will be added to the list and the captain will call you if you are needed that evening. The list is created each week to ensure the availability of those applying as subs

Mixed Doubles Evening Returns

The first (and possibly last, thanks to the new USTA mixed doubles league) Mixed Doubles Night of the season is Friday, September 16, 7–9pm. Come and try the very social group. The level is 2.5–4.0 men and women. Couples and singles are invited to play. Both members and guests are welcome.

Please bring a snack to share after the three rounds of tennis. Sign up at the desk; cost is $18 per person. For more information, contact the desk staff.

September Calendar

  • Sunday, September 11 Start of indoor season and first day of seasonal court time; men’s leagues begin
  • Monday, September 12 Start of Junior Excellence programs, adult clinics, and cardio tennis (Monday 1:30-2:30pm)
  • Friday, September 16 Beginning of junior instructional clinics; Mixed Doubles Night, 7–9pm
  • Friday, September 23 B12 and under tournament (advanced), 7–9pm
  • Friday, October 7 B12 and under tournament (novice), 7–9pm
  • Friday, October 28 Junior Pizza Party, Halloween edition, 7–9pm

Seasonal Court Time & Men’s Leagues

Seasonal court time gives members the convenience of playing on the same court each week without having to reserve it. Many members rotate 4–6 players depending on their availability. If you are trying to arrange a seasonal court time and need a player to fill in, contact the control desk for some possible leads. Seasonal court time begins Sunday, September 11. Please get your applications in as soon as possible. Reservations for seasonal court time are commitments for the entire indoor season. 

Men’s league renewals from last year’s participants are due now; men looking to join a league may drop off applications. More information is available at the front desk