Men’s Leagues Need Subs!

The men’s Sunday and Tuesday night leagues need players to fill in when there are open spots. If you would like to jump in and play, call the club the morning of the league and we will put you on the list.

If you have not played in the group before, leave your level of play so that you will be assigned to the correct court. The captain will call you later in the day if you’re needed. Players fill in at no charge.

Junior Doubles Tournament Thanksgiving Week

The annual Junior Doubles Club Championship is a non-sanctioned doubles tournament for HVTC junior members. Events include Boys’ and Girls’ 16–18 and 12–14 divisions. The entry deadline is Tuesday, November 26; fee is $16 per player.

Trophies will be awarded to finalists in events with six or more teams. Players must be available for weekend play. Ask the staff if you need help finding a partner.

November Happenings

  • Friday, November 21 Junior “Bring a Friend to Tennis” Night, 7–9 pm
  • Monday, November 24 Junior Excellence makeup day, 4:30–6 pm
  • Monday–Sunday November 24–30, Junior Excellence classes, junior and adult clinics (including Adult Super Excellence), and adult leagues do not meet.
  • Thursday, November 27 Happy Thanksgiving! Club hours are 9 am–1 pm; special holiday court fees are $25 per hour.
  • Friday, November 28 Adult “Work Off the Turkey” Mixed Doubles Night, 7-9pm
  • Friday–Sunday November 28–30, Annual Junior Doubles Club Championship


HVTC Women’s Team Advances to Nationals

Congratulations to the HVTC women’s 55+ 9.0 team captained by Missy Pollick.The team was victorious at sectional competition and is headed to national playoffs in early November. Good luck!

Special thanks and a sportsmanship award go to the club’s other 55+ 9.0 team, captained by Karen Caine.The Caine team was created to provide a local flight for the Pollick team, so those players would have an opportunity to compete.

Sign Up Now for Junior Excellence Session II

The next session of Junior Excellence starts October 27. If you anticipate absences from the Junior Excellence classes, fees may be prorated if you ask at the desk for a blue Request to Prorate form and submit it during the first week of the session. Simply telling the desk personnel or the pros that a student will not attend will not trigger prorated fees.

For those absences that were not declared and prorated, we have Junior Excellence makeup days (no additional charge) scheduled for 4:30–6pm Monday, November 24, and Monday, December 15.