
Our new pavilion is no longer flocked with snow,
the nets are up,
so let’s go!
– Anonymous

A few reminders about outdoor court use:

  • Reserve your court with the front desk.
  • Stay on your assigned court. If your assigned court has a problem, let the desk know so they can put you on a different one.
  • Do not use a wet court. Slippery courts are dangerous!
  • Check in all guests at the front desk.
  • Report all problems to the front desk.
  • If you use the Roll-Dri to address a puddle, please hang it on the fence when finished.

Note: Nets are intentionally loosely hung in the spring. We will tighten them as the ground dries more.


Junior Excellence Registration Update

Session 4 (March 20-May 28 ) registration will begin on Tuesday, March 7 at 8am and will be entirely online.

HVTC members as of 2/7/23 will be allowed to register for Junior Excellence classes on 3/7/23. Nonmembers and those joining HVTC after 2/7/23 may begin registering on Thursday 3/9/23. Those wishing to register for a class will need to click on the Online Portal link and create an account for Court Reserve (if you have not already done so). Once an account is created you will be able to register for classes.

Note: The Junior Excellence Program is a 6 level, 13 class program. Levels include:
Tournament Excellence, Tournament Excellence I, High School Players, Competitive Training, Tournament Preparation, and Young Players. These classes require the participants to have a junior or family membership to HVTC (nonmember registrants will need to join HVTC once added to the class.)

Thank you for your patronage!
HVTC Management