Dear Members;
The responsibility for slowing the spread of COVID-19 belongs to all of us. Huron Valley Tennis Club has decided to implement some changes to protect the health of our members and staff. Our biggest concerns are limiting the size of groups on the courts and in the lobby and accommodating our staff. Please be patient with us and expect more changes in the future, which will be posted on our website and Facebook page.
Effective immediately, we have cancelled the fourth session of
Junior Excellence, all clinics, and all adult leagues and practices. Seasonal and random court time, small group
(four players or less) lessons and private lessons will continue. If your program has been cancelled, we
encourage you to take advantage of random court time or arrange for private or
semi-private lessons with one of our pros.
The Club will remain open during normal business hours. Effective immediately, the restaurant, day care
services, work-out room, and showers are closed. The outdoor courts are available for play
now. If the lobby is closed, enter
through the outdoor gates.
Minimizing Risk
Any social interaction involves risk of contagion. Members in high risk categories must evaluate
for themselves which activities they wish to participate in. Do not come to the Club if you believe that
you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to it, or you are experiencing COVID-19
Players should limit the amount of socializing before,
during and after playing. We ask that
players arrive at HVTC no earlier than 10 minutes before their scheduled
playing time and leave immediately after playing. Please avoid handshakes and hugs and try to
maintain a six foot distance from other people (“social distancing”). We encourage you to pay for purchases and
services on your account to minimize interactions at the front desk.
Signs in the locker rooms and bathrooms will reinforce
best practices for washing hands. We
encourage players to wash or sanitize their hands before and after play, and
not touch their faces with unwashed hands. Players should cover their coughs or sneezes with a tissue,
throw the tissue in the trash, and immediately wash or sanitize their hands. HVTC will
regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, like doorknobs,
keyboards, telephones, desktops, and light switches. We
will try to make hand sanitizer or wipes readily available.
HVTC will waive or refund fees for sessions that we cancel or that
you cancel out of concern about COVID-19. HVTC will extend your membership year by one
month for each month that we operate in a limited capacity.
you for helping us take these protective measures. We hope that HVTC can be a place for you to
escape the stress that we all are feeling.