Juniors Saturday Match Play

The pro staff has scheduled Saturdays through May 26 for HVTC juniors to play practice matches under the direction of one of the club pros. These sessions are for juniors participating in the Tournament Excellence 1, Competitive Training, or Tournament Preparation groups of the Junior Excellence program. Players will be matched up by the pro for singles and doubles play, allowing participants to meet new people, play different styles of games, find practice partners, get some additional competitive play, and—most important—have fun!

The Saturday play during spring will be outdoors, 2-4pm, weather permitting. Cost is $10; if play is moved inside it will be $20. Call the club to sign up.

May and Early June

  • Saturday, May 12 End of indoor season; last day of seasonal court time
  • Sunday, May 13 Start of outdoor season; indoor courts are $18/hour
  • Wednesday, May 16 Women’s Singles League begins, 9:30–11am
  • Friday, May 25 Junior Excellence makeup day, 7–8:30pm
  • Sunday, May 27 Last day of Junior Excellence programs session IV
  • Monday, May 28 Memorial Day: club hours 8:30am–2pm
  • Sunday–Thursday, May 27–31 SEMTA Qualifier Camp 1 (no camp May 28)
  • Tuesday, May 29 Spring Junior Excellence session begins
  • Friday, June 1 Spring junior instructional clinics begin
  • Sunday, June 3 Boys’ 12U mini-tournament, 10am–12:30pm Boys’ 14U mini-tournament, 1–3:30pm
  • Sunday–Thursday, June 4–7 SEMTA Qualifier Camp 2
  • Sunday, June 10 Girls’ 12U mini-tournament, 10am-12:30pm Girls’ 14U mini-tournament, 3-5:30pm

Fitness Trainer Joins HVTC

Huron Valley Tennis Club is now offering fitness training with Matt Tomaszewski. Matt, a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association, is a graduate of Northwestern University’s program in physical therapy. He has over 30 years of experience working with high school athletes, weekend warriors, and active seniors.

Training will primarily utilize elastic bands, free weights, stability balls, and other easily available equipment so the participant can follow through at home. Stretching exercises will also be covered. Tailor a plan to meet your individual goals!

Matt will be offering private and semiprivate sessions for members and nonmembers. The fee for an hour of instruction is $60, plus an additional $2 per extra participant. Sessions can be scheduled for 30 or 60 minutes. Members may bill fees to their HVTC accounts. Email Matt (tomasczematt@gmail.com) directly to schedule a session, or leave a message with the front desk for Matt to call you.